White Turnip Stir Fry with Little Wings Farm

As a part of the work we do with the Pacific Northwest CSA Coalition to promote Community Supported Agriculture, this year we are offering free cooking classes to help bridge the gap between local farms with financially accessible CSA programs and low-income or low-access communities. This year we partnered with community organizations, co-instructors, and local farmers to bring this free cooking class series to life.

In this class, a farmer from Little Wings Farm in Eugene joined me and the staff team at The Head Start of Lane County to talk about financially accessible CSA options available to families they work with locally, and how to cook a simple and delicious dinner stir fry with white turnips and baby bok choy. All participants at our classes go home with a bag of produce for the week and recipe cards for inspiration. This week’s produce was from Little Wings Farm, they grow absolutely gorgeous produce and offer their CSA 50% off with SNAP.

Having been a Head Start kid myself growing up here in Oregon, it was such a pleasure to be back in the Head Start community and coming back full circle. I even found my Head Start pre-school graduation picture and brought it in to share with the team, definitely a warm fuzzy collaboration.


Butternut Buddies at Ladd Acres Elementary with Keep Growing Seeds


Go-To Breakfast Medley with Head Start Staff