Beetberry Spinach

Stock Image by Ewa Saks

Latin Name: Chenopodium capitatum, Blitum capitatum

Other Names: Strawberry Spinach, Strawberry Blite, Blite Goosefoot, Strawberry Goosefoot

Native throughout the Americas, this cousin in the Amaranth family was used by native communities for their edible greens and sweet, medicinal, strawberry-looking fruit which can also be used as a dye. The fruits have a mild, earthy flavor and a juicy texture with pleasant crunchy black seeds, much like kiwi seeds or strawberry seeds that give a rich nutty flavor.

Beetberry spinach is really an incredible plant that not many folks know about these days, a textural and culinary delight, highly recommend. The plants grow very easily as an annual throughout the United States and are a fun addition to the garden, keeping in mind that they do self-seed themselves very thoroughly.

Digging Deeper


Strawberry Spinach: The Useful Weirdo



