Delicata Tacos with Eloisa Organic Farm at Young Roots Oregon

As a part of the work we do with the Pacific Northwest CSA Coalition to promote Community Supported Agriculture, this year we are offering free cooking classes to help bridge the gap between local farms with financially accessible CSA programs and low-income or low-access communities. This year we partnered with community organizations, co-instructors, and local farmers to bring this free cooking class series to life.

In this class, we partnered with Blanca Sanchez at Young Roots Oregon to offer a cooking class for young parents featuring veggies that Eloisa Organic Farm had in their CSA box that week, and a few other specialty items from Riverland Family Farms. Both Eloisa and Riverland offer their CSA boxes of weekly local fruits & veggies 50% off for SNAP recipients.

Together we learned about delicata squash, the winter squash that you can sauté quickly in the frying pan. We made delicious delicata squash tacos with black beans, sweet peppers, and onions, served with a watercress salad with radish and pear. Folks went home with a big bag of veggies and recipe cards to try it out at home.


Scallion Pancakes & Carrot Portraits with Keep Growing Seeds


Butternut Buddies at Ladd Acres Elementary with Keep Growing Seeds