Scallion Pancakes & Carrot Portraits with Keep Growing Seeds

As a part of the work we do with the Pacific Northwest CSA Coalition to promote Community Supported Agriculture, this year we are offering free cooking classes to help bridge the gap between local farms with financially accessible CSA programs and low-income or low-access communities. This year we partnered with community organizations, co-instructors, and local farmers to bring this free cooking class series to life.

In our second class of the season with Keep Growing Seeds, we visited the garden club at Butternut Creek Elementary in Hillsboro, Oregon to learn all about how bright and colorful winter carrots and radishes can be. Featuring bright pink and purple radishes and multicolor carrots of all shapes and sizes, together we made savory scallion pancakes. The pancakes were a big hit with the kids, and they each got to choose a carrot and draw its picture before shopping for a big bag of veggies to take home to their families.

Thanks to the hard work of the PNWCSA Coalition, kids went home with great information about Community Supported Agriculture and financially accessible local food options in their area. A big thanks for making these classes possible!

And a big thanks to by bestie, Adrian Monty, science educator extraordinaire, for joining me as my co-instructor on this week’s class, could not have done it without you! Enjoy these carrot portraits, friends! They are the most adorable.


Zani’s Spinach Pupusas with Growing Gardens


Delicata Tacos with Eloisa Organic Farm at Young Roots Oregon