Plant Profiles

Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett

Raab (Rapini)

Every spring most brassicas send their flower stalks up to make seed, but before seeds start forming, we harvest sweet tender stalks of florets that basically taste like broccoli and whatever the plant is, like a perfect blend between broccoli and kale (see photo). Absolutely delicious sautéed in some oil and garlic and topped with a couple eggs or served with rice, or both.

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Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett


The fantastic Fibonacci fractal explosion that is romanesco looks so incredible it’s hard to eat. From the way that cells multiply to the arrangement of leaves and petals unfolding on a plant, the natural world is defined by a mathematical pattern. The science of phyllotaxy aside, romanesco is quite similar to cauliflower with savory, nutty flavor. Cut each fractal piece off the base & roast or stir fry whole.

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Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett


Fioretto is to cauliflower as broccolini is to broccoli, which is to say, it is the stalk form of cauliflower rather than a heading type. These delicate cauliflower sticks are incredibly tender and sweeten right up when roasted. A delicate treat to be cooked and enjoyed similarly to asparagus.

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Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett


Incredibly tightly packed florets that range from white to bright green to deep purple. This rich nutty treat is commonly used in alternative meals as it tends to give a hearty filling meal like meat.

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Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Florets Laura Bennett

Broccoli & Broccolini

Broccoli, that perfect little head of florets, and their stalky cousins, broccolini, harvested before they burst open to reveal the flowers within. Always incredible just sautéed or roasted with oil and salt, tossed with a creamy pasta, or added to a rich breakfast scramble.

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