Plant Profiles

Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett


Sometime referred to as Rocket, arugula is known for having soft delicate greens with a mild-to-pungent spicy mustard flavor. As with all mustard greens, arugula makes for a wonderful salad balanced with goat cheese and fresh fruit, and the more lobey varieties have a beautiful leaf shape that looks gorgeous in salads.

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Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett

Bok Choy

Bok choy, known for its super thick juicy stems that are sweet and crisp when eaten raw and so juicy when stir-fried or served in soups. The super short squat little baby bok choy, or Shanghai Bok Choy, is often sautéed in halves and laid on top of white rice or being added into rich broths and bowls of ramen. Larger white-stemmed bok choys can be chopped into soups and stir-fries.

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Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett

Gai Lan

Also known as Chinese Broccoli, this green has full juicy stalks surrounded by broccoli-to-bok choy-like greens that sometimes has small broccoli florets on top depending on the season, perfect for stir-fries, soups, and sautées. Chinese Broccoli cross is the mother of broccolini, a similarly thick-stemmed broccoli with fat florets resulting from a cross with actual broccoli.

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Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett

Miz America

This mizuna mustard variety is one of the deepest purple greens around, setting it apart from other red mizunas but with the same peppery punch. Absolutely gorgeous addition to salads full of creamy goat cheese and pears and a sweet tangy dressing to balance out the warmth of the greens. Stems are are also crisp and delicious, the entire bunch makes for a great quick stir-fry.

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Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett Brassicaceae, Mustards & Asian Greens Laura Bennett


These super thin-stemmed, delicate, and somewhat frilly mustard greens are so tender with such a fresh crisp flavor. Green mizuna tends to be like a very mild to sweet arugula, whereas purple varieties tend to pack more of a peppery punch. Gorgeous addition to salads full of creamy goat cheese and pears and a sweet tangy dressing to balance out the warmth of the greens. Stems are are also crisp and delicious, the entire bunch makes for a great quick stir-fry.

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